So my big bake sale was last Sunday and I wanted to give ya'll the deets of how it went! :)
I had originally had the bake sale scheduled for early June...but rescheduled for later because I didnt feel like I had enough people interested in it. We picked a day, and Chuck and the rest of the RCIA group helped me plan away. We had info in the Church's bulletin, flyers posted, and we mentioned it at masses. Even then I was still a little worried that people wouldnt bring stuff and that people wouldnt buy stuff. Thus, I set a goal of $200 for my bake sale with Share Our Strength.
When I met with the RCIA group that really helped me plan and execute, they assured me that we would definitely surpass my low goal of $200, but still I was a little uncertain. Another reason that I felt a little uncertain was because I had only received about 3 emails about people wanting to bake. To make sure I had somewhat of a variety, I asked all of my family members to bake treats. :)
I decided to make red velvets (bc everyone likes those!) and pancake breakfast (maple and bacon) since the bake sale was in the am. I decided to try Chocklity's Maple Corn and Bacon cupcakes. (Ps, Cheryl is amazing...her cupcakes are just beautiful!). .Anyhow, since I dont eat meat, my mom helped me cook the bacon. And I also made 3 for me using vegetarian bacon. I cant even remember when I last had bacon and dont even remember what it tastes like. So when I ate my cupcake...I was not a fan. I didnt really know what I was looking for, but I was very unsure of the flavor combo. I was really worried but Jon ate one and he said it was really yummy and tasted like breakfast! Success. hehe.
Here is a pic of my red velvet cupcake: My mom and I found these awesome togo boxes to individually pack. :)
My house was full of sweet aromas because we were all busy baking away! My brother even made his famous lemon bars he used to make as a child :) hehe.
The day of, my parents were up bright and early and ready to go and help me set up. Big hugs to Jon and my parents for helping me set up and making sure everything ran nice and smooth that day. And big thanks to Chuck for helping me coordinate and thank you All Saints for allowing us to hold it there. :)
Here is a pic of my mom and I (sorry its so teeny, its from Jons phone)

When we arrived at the church, there were already people dropping goodies off! I couldn't believe it! One wonderful woman made 10 cakes and about 60 cream puffs, and she was working even before I got to the church:
Bet you're all drooling eh? ;)
Our tables filled up pretty quick....
.....And the became empty very quick. After the first mass (7:30 am), the tables were half empty! We sold so much food in a span of 15 minutes. And it stayed that way throughout the day. People brought more treats, and people bought treats. I was worried that we would run out of food! And my dad was keeping track of the finances, and had let me know early on that we had surpassed the goal.
I was so happy and feel so blessed to be part of such a wonderful community. Everyone was so supportive, loving and friendly. Our tables were never empty :)
And I just want to thank everyone that took the time to bake and donate goodies and for all of those who came out to support me. It means so much to me. Here are a few more pics:
I bet you are all wondering how we did right? Well I already mentioned we went above and way beyond my goal of $200....soooo drumroll please......
We raised $1,026.65!!!
Just to give you an idea of how that money will be used:
Share Our Strength is a leading organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger in America. Here are some ways the funds you raise can help:
- $25 Can help feed one child three healthy meals every day for a month.
- $50 Can help connect one child with healthy meals throughout the summer.
- $100 Can help provide 25 children facing hunger with backpacks full of healthy food to feed them and their families over the weekend.
- $200 Can help buy grocery bags of healthy foods for 50 families in need.
- $500 Can help reach twelve low-income families with a life-changing, six-week nutritious cooking and food budgeting course.
At the end of the day (around 2pm), we had one small tin of goodies left. the leftover treats were taken to an agency that serves breakfast to those in need. :)
I cant express my gratitude for all who helped out in one way or another. We all did an amazing job. And this is for sure happening every year. :)
Good job Treen! You rock! Next time you do this, let me know in advance and I can whip up some non-edible cupcakes for those people watching their waistline! LOL :)