Anyhow, I was so excited to make these cupcakes for a Dr.Seuss themed birthday party. They were for my Moms co-workers daughter and I have been making her birthday cupcakes, that she brings to her classroom for a few years now. Last year, we did a princess and the frog theme and this year was Dr.Seuss! When I dropped them off, she told my moms co-worker mentioned that her daughter had come up with this theme all on her own because "even the boys would like dr.seuss!" =) how cute!
Since these were going to be for young kiddies, I decorated mostly with chocolate. The hat and eggs are all chocolate (and edible marker). The ham is made out of fondant...I went looking in a few stores for green laffy taffy or airheads but couldnt find any! So I just mentioned that the kids might not like the taste of the fondant. I have this image in my head of a kid eating fondant and spitting it out because they dont like the taste. So I wanted to give fair warning...but then again, they might just eat it right up!
Here are a few pics of the cupcakes:
A close up of the hat and green eggs and ham:
Vanilla cupcakes with chocoalte and vanilla frosting, and the cat in the hat's hat:
I love these! And exactly as I assumed... you're still goin places! Love you sissy <3