Friday, July 30, 2010

Oatmeal Cherry Chocolate Cookies and Choco Tarragon Cuppies!

Baking is my stress reliever. I've been super busy with work, and all the house stuff and all those other little things...I couldnt wait to get in the kitch and bake.

I didnt really know what to make. So I thought about this Bakery I went to in San Clemente a few weeks ago. There cupcakes were ehhh but there cookies were SO good. Their signature cookie is the Oatmeal toffee cherry chocolate cookie. And yes, it definitely lives up to its rep. Sweet, tart, crunch, chewy all in one=perfect. So I decided to try and recreate it.

When I was mixing, I realized that I didnt have enough quick oats (:{ ). I didnt want to stop baking just to go to the store for that, so I decided to throw in some of my steel cuts. Luckily, I was just a half cup short, but still, even with that amount I felt a bit sketchy adding it in. I was getting worried that they were going to not bake through and I'd have to throw em!

When I took them out, I tried them, and they were pretty good! Every few bites I'd get an extra crunch from the steel cuts, but the cookie was good. And next time, I'll add real toffee in the batter instead of toffee sprinkles.

only pic i took:

And then...Of course I had to bake cupcakes too! I love love love chocklity's blog and I tried her recipe for tarragon choco cupcakes. First time I've ever used tarragon in anything. Only thing I knew that had tarragon in it is this mint tea my boss likes hehe. So I wasnt really sure what I was supposed to be looking for. But I did half the recipe and add the same amount of tarragon, and it was still pretty light. But still. It was yummy, and everyone at work seemed to enjoy them!

til next time!



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